Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Sometimes it's shitty

So, most mornings I wake up around 8 with a headache in tow and immediately take my meds. Then I'll tend to whatever morning ritual I've decided to make important this week, right now it's starting off with a big glass of water. Who knows about next week? Then I'll sit for a few minutes and think about how fat I've become, all caused by my meds of course, not because I love to eat. Sometimes I'll think about what the easiest way to get a gun would be and whether I would take anyone with me if I did. I say to myself it would be too hard because I'd have to come up with money, which means work from a job I just can't seem to attain. Even if I did find a job, I've never been very good at holding them. My wife then leaves for work. I'll usually see her off with a love you if I'm in a good mood. Otherwise, I'll find something to start an argument about. What to eat, what to eat? Usually leftovers, hardly ever breakfast foods. On some days I'll go to work with my wife so I can use the car if I have a doctor's appointment or to give plasma, which I don't think I'm supposed to do because of my medications but when I disclosed it the lady decided to, "not hear me." Today seems like an alright day. It isn't cloudy, not cold or windy, and seems like it may end up being a French fries day! Well see how the day progressed and if it gets better or worse.